
Confirmation Statement Submission Service

We can take the bother out of completing this essential maintenance task for your company. You can buy it via your account dashboard.

The Confirmation Statement (CS01) has replaced the Annual Return since June 30, 2016.

It is a summary of a company's directors, secretary (if you have one), registered office address, shareholders, share capital and persons with significant control.

All LTDs and LLPs registered in the United Kingdom must deliver a confirmation statement to Companies House at least once every 12 months, even if the company is dormant.

The main difference to the now-defunct Annual Return is you now ‘check and confirm’ the details Companies House holds is accurate. If there are no changes to your company details you simply check and confirm the same details on your next confirmation statement.

If you don't file the statement Companies House might assume your company isn’t carrying on business or in operation and take steps to 'strike it off' (from the register). If that happens, the company ceases to exist and any assets it has becomes property of the Crown.

This can catch out directors who think they can delay and delay filing their returns and still get access to the company's bank account. If the company is struck off, your bank will not let you gain access to your account and you have to apply to have the company restored. This can be very troublesome and time-consuming.

When do I need to file?

12 months after the incorporation of your company, or, on the date you filed your last Confirmation Statement, and thereafter it should be filed at least once a year.

You can view your due date by searching your name on Companies House here.

You probably remember the date you formed your company but often directors leave it until the last minute to file returns, and then they realise they need an authentication code to gain access to their Companies House listing.

It's not a good feeling to realise your company's operation is in jeopardy because you didn't make a proper note to start the filing process at your end at least a month in advance. You make a start well in advance in case there's a problem, so you can sort it out in good time.

Entries in the public record of your Companies House listing are permanent and cannot be altered, except by a court order. They affect how your company is perceived by banks and the general public.

Companies House do send eReminders if you are signed up for them. They will only send letters to your registered office if the Confirmation Statement becomes overdue.

You can purchase our Confirmation Statement Service through your account dashboard.

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