

For services and registration

  1. Introduction
    1. Registered Address Ltd ("the Company” / “we" / “us”) provides virtual office, company formation, company secretarial and accountancy services (“the Services”) at its offices (“the Address”), details of which may be found on the Company’s website at ("the Website").
    2. These Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that the Company shall provide services to you (“the Client “/ “you” / “your”) and constitutes the agreement between us (“the Agreement”). These Terms and Conditions apply to the exclusion of any other terms that the Client seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by law, trade custom, practice or course of dealing. These Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any other terms and conditions of the Company, the Client or otherwise.
    3. Any purchase for services that you place with the Company, by whatever method, will be governed by these Terms and Conditions.
    4. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed and the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.
    5. Client’s purchase will only be valid if made via the Company’s online ordering procedure on the Website. By making a purchase, the Client accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
    6. When you purchase from the Website you warrant that you are over the legal age of 16.
    7. Due to the nature of the internet and the fact that your access to the Website involves features outside our control, we do not accept any liability for technical problems that you may experience with the said Website.
    8. While the Company takes all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained on the Website is accurate and up to date, the Company makes no representations, warranties or undertakings about any of the information content or materials provided on the Website (including, without limitation, any as to quality, accuracy, completeness or reliability).
    9. All material on the Website is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, accounting, financial or other professional advice, and it must therefore not be relied upon as such.
    10. The Company reserves the right to change or remove (temporarily or permanently) the Website, or any part of it, without notice, and shall not be liable to any parties for any such change or removal.
    11. The Website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, availability and accuracy.
    12. No warranty is given that the functionality of the Website will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or anything else which may be harmful or destructive.
    13. The Website may provide the facility to register in order to gain enhanced access privileges or in order to purchase products or services. The Company will not be responsible for loss or damage that may incur if the Client shares these details with their business partners or any other third party.
    14. The Company may withdraw or suspend the Client’s right to access or use the Website at any time, without prior notice and without providing any reason.
    15. Your use of the Website and the purchase of any products or services from it are governed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
    16. You warrant that any information you provide to us about yourself upon registration, purchase or at any time will be accurate, current and complete. You also warrant that you will ensure that this information is kept accurate and up to date at all times.
  2. Term
    1. This Agreement shall commence on the purchase date upon finalised transfer of monies to the Company for Services and shall continue unless and until terminated by either of party in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
    2. The Client has entered into this Agreement for the provision of Services by the Company as detailed in their online application and by the confirmation email sent by the Company.
    3. No variation to this Agreement shall be binding unless agreed in writing by the Company.
    4. Any payments taken are non-refundable unless they comply with our termination and refund terms.
    5. Any clerical, typographical or other error or omission in any price list, quotation, sales literature, acceptance of offer, invoice or other document or information issued by the Company shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of the Company.
    6. This Agreement is for the initial fixed term period of 12 months and shall be extended automatically on an annual basis, thereafter, subject to these Terms and Conditions.
    7. It is the Client’s responsibility to cancel their account within the terms of this Agreement if they do not wish to renew the services.
  3. Use of Address
    1. By purchasing any of the Services offered by the Company the Company has given the Client the right to use the Address for a limited term.
    2. The Client is not permitted to state to any third party they have a physical presence at any of the Company’s Address(es), nor assert to any government authority that the Client(s) are resident at the Address.
    3. The Company reserves the right to disallow categories of business as the Company sees fit.
    4. The Company reserves the right to refuse to offer service to businesses whose activities may (in the sole decision of the Company) be unlawful, or which may be judged immoral by the management of the Company, or which may draw the negative attention of UK regulatory authorities (or the public) to the business, employees or the Address of the Company.
    5. Businesses in the following niches are not normally permitted to use any of the Addresses: Adult, Alcohol, Gambling, Financial Services (Cryptocurrencies, Insurance, Investments, Loans), Firearms, Payroll Processing Companies, Pharmaceutical and Tax Rebate Companies.
    6. The Client is prohibited from utilising any of the Company's Address(es) in dealings with the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or any agencies of a similar nature.
    7. The Client is not permitted during or after the term of this Agreement to carry out any act or make any omission that may damage the goodwill or reputation of the Address or Company or that may bring the Address or the Company into disrepute.
    8. The Client may not intercept, divert or redirect any letters in transit to the Address, nor use any third-party to effect such.
  4. Identification
    1. In order to receive our services, and to comply with legal requirements, the Client must provide to the Company copies of the following, before any mail will be forwarded:
      1. • A valid copy of a driving license, passport or European identity card;
      2. • A valid copy of a recent utility bill, bank statement, local council or government letter that has the Client’s name and forwarding address on it dated within 6 months.
    2. These documents, termed Identification Documents, may be uploaded via the Client’s online dashboard, or sent to the Company by email or letter.
    3. In the absence of such documents the Company may hold and retain the Client’s mail, for a limited time period (approximately 14 days), at its discretion, until such Documents are supplied, and subsequently, if said documents are not forthcoming, return said mail to sender.
    4. The Company shall not be liable for any loss, harm or consequence suffered by the Client or a third party as a result of this procedure. (See clause 15 of these Terms and Conditions.)
    5. In certain instances, the Company may ask for original Identification Documents, from the Client or their co-directors/shareholders, to confirm and verify details that the Client has provided, as well as documents detailing the nature, purpose and composition of the Client’s business. Failure to provide such documents within 7 days of request may result in immediate termination of service without notice or refund.
    6. The Client must inform the Company immediately in writing or via email of any changes to the Client’s contact details and business scope.
    7. The Company is regulated by HMRC Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017). By accepting these Terms and Conditions you are granting us authority to carry out a digital ID verification check by CreditSafe or similar organisation for the purposes of checking your identity and address. This online check may be recorded on your credit record, and a record of the search will be retained.
  5. Mail Forwarding
    1. The Client’s mail must be addressed in the format: Your Company Name, International House + the Address.
    2. The Company will not be held responsible for delays or non-delivery of mail arising out of using a different address format.
    3. If the Company becomes aware, through its routine checks, of the use of its Address in a format other than the aforesaid it may inform the Client to make the necessary changes at Companies House. The Company will only make changes at Companies House if the appropriate Secretarial services are bought to pay for and enable these.
    4. All mail delivered at the Address will be forwarded to the Client to the address designated in the Client’s account as soon as is reasonably practicable.
    5. For administrative purposes, the Company considers the mail officially received on that date which the Company’s staff mark upon the mail, at the Company’s mail processing Address.
    6. Client mail delivered at the Address will not be made available for collection.
    7. Any mail delivered to the Client at the Address marked in such a way that the Company is unable to determine from the outside packaging that it is intended for the Client, the Company reserves the right (and is permitted by the Client) to open such mail to determine for whom it is intended.
    8. If the Company receives a letter bearing an addressee personal name, business name or company name, which, for whatever reason, is identical to one or more of the Company’s other Clients’ names, and the Company’s postal staff are unable to accurately determine who the true addressee is, the Company will attempt to return the letter to its sender via Royal Mail’s internal ‘return to sender’ mechanism, at no financial cost or other liability to the Company.
    9. The Registered Office Address service covers the usage of the Address at Companies House as the company’s Registered Office. A fee is payable for the scanning or forwarding of Statutory letters. Statutory letters are letters from Companies House, HMRC, the Pensions Regulator, the Intellectual Property Office and the Office for National Statistics, addressed to the company.
    10. The Director’s Service Address covers the usage of the Address at Companies House for one director of the company. A fee is payable for the scanning or forwarding of letters from Companies House in the name of the company’s director(s).
      1. i. The Company must be notified of the names of any additional director(s).
      2. The names of the additional director(s) can be added to an account on request and at the Company’s discretion.
      3. ii. Letters addressed to additional director(s) will be scanned or forwarded to the account holder directly depending on the Services purchased.
    11. The Business Address Service covers the forwarding of those letters designated ordinary business letters by the Company, according to the number of business letter credits purchased. These letters are defined as all letters other than Statutory letters as described in clause 5.9.
    12. Should the Client wrongly receive any mail or letters not specifically addressed to them by the sender, they shall be obliged to immediately (and without opening) return such mail to the Company at their own expense. The Company will compensate the Client with £10 renewal (fee) credit.
    13. If the Scan service is purchased alongside the Registered Office Address, Director’s Service Address and /or the Business Address Service, the Company will scan and upload the corresponding number of letters specified for the Services bought (if applicable). The ‘Registered Office Address’ and ‘Director’s Service Address’ entitle the forwarding of letters without limit. The Business Address Service entitle the forwarding of letters according to the number of relevant credits acquired by the Client.

      When Scanning is bought for a particular address service the hardcopies of the letters scanned will not be posted to the customer. Instead, the hardcopy will be shredded securely after it is scanned into our online system. If there is any material that is not suitable for scanning (such as a bank-card or cheque) then it will not be scanned, instead, the hardcopy will be posted to the customer.
      1. i. All letters (C4 & C5 size) will be scanned, except those as determined by our staff (at their sole dicretion) to be unsuitable for scanning, such as, but not limited to, junk mail, magazines, catalogues, brochures and large documents (10+ pages).
      2. ii. We reserve the right to open any letter and scan it into our system if a customer has the Scan service selected in their account, regardless of account status.
      3. iii. Business Letter Credits will be used to either forward or scan letters depending on the account's current mail forwarding preference.
      4. iv. If a scanned letter is deleted by the Customer from the account dashboard, the file(s) may be irretrievable as our system permanently deletes them after a period of time. The company is under no liability for the loss of any letters in such circumstances.
    14. The Company accepts no liability for mail that cannot be proven to have been delivered to the Address. Proof of postage shall not constitute proof of delivery.
    15. All risk in mail delivered in the name of the Client or their business at the Address shall pass to the Client immediately upon delivery to the Address.
    16. In the event that the Company has reason to believe that any mail item delivered to the Client at the Address is or may be illegal, immoral, harmful, noxious, deteriorating, dangerous, or constitutes junk or unsolicited mail, the Company reserves the right to dispose of such mail as it sees fit.
    17. The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse delivery of and return to the sender (at the Client’s sole cost) or to withhold from forwarding any mail items the Company deems too large for forwarding.
    18. The Company reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to withhold from forwarding and/or to pass to any relevant authority, including Trading Standards, the National Crime Agency, HM Revenue and Customs and the police, any mail delivered to you at the Address, without notice to you.
  6. Parcels
    1. The Company does not accept parcels at any of its addresses.
    2. The Company reserves the right to dispose of any unsolicited or unannounced items received at the Address(es), at its sole discretion.
    3. The company accepts no liability for any item received at the Address(es), or any consequence arising from the receipt of items at its Address(es).
  7. Services
    1. Purchase of the Registered Office Address service gives the Client the right to use the Address at Companies House and as the Client’s Registered Office for receiving statutory communications as outlined in clause 5.9.
    2. Purchase of the service Director’s Service Address gives the Client the right to use the Address as the Client’s Director’s Service Address with Companies House.
    3. Purchase of the Business Address Service gives the Client the right to use the address on websites, business cards, letterheads, general correspondence, trademarks and patents and as a contact address.
    4. Purchase of the 'Scan Service' bought in combination with the Registered Office Address Service, Director’s Service Address Service or Business Address Service permits the contents of those Client letters related to the Service to be scanned and uploaded to the account Dashboard. Only letters of C4 size or smaller will be scanned. The Company reserves the right to forward by post any item which, in the opinion of the mail-processing staff, is unscannable.
    5. The client account must be in good standing before any Secretarial or Accountancy Service can be performed.
    6. All filings shall be done electronically unless otherwise stated and only for companies limited by shares. The email address provided by the Client may be disclosed to Companies House during some filings.
    7. Purchase of any of the Secretarial Services (which shall include Accountancy Services) will give the Client the right to receive the purchased Service only if the Secretarial Service is bought at least 14 days before any secretarial submission is due and the Accountancy Service is bought at least 30 days before any accountancy submission is due and only if the Client responds to communications from the Company in a timely manner.
      1. i. The Company accepts no liability for errors or delays in Secretarial Services’ processing. It is the Client’s responsibility to check data validity before authorising the Company to submit it to UK government agencies or other third parties.
      2. ii. The Company reserves the right to request further payments for any secretarial Services if parallel or extra submissions to Companies House or HMRC are required to finalise the Service execution.
      3. iii. From time to time, Secretarial or Accountancy Services may be contracted to a third-party Accountant vetted by the Company (the "Contractor"). In the unlikely event that the Contractor is unable to fulfil the service order, the Company should be informed immediately by the Client so appropriate action can be taken to remedy this. The Contractor may be held responsible for any discrepancies or delays in the execution of the service, and is obliged to rectify any such discrepancies or compensate for any delays in a manner deemed satisfactory by the Company.
    8. Access to the meeting rooms at the Company’s Offices are subject to availability.
      1. i. A minimum block of hours must be booked, and the invoice fully paid, at least 24 hours in advance before a meeting room booking is confirmed.
    9. Gifts are at the sole discretion of the Company. The Company reserves the right to substitute one free gift for another if the first is unavailable.
    10. All services are purchased for the duration specified and expire at its end. If services are added before the account expiry date they will expire at the account expiry date. The Company may then, at its sole discretion, add credit to the account, the nature and value of said credit to be defined by the Company.
  8. Company Formation
    1. The Company will make use of its proprietary and bespoke electronic filing facility on its Website to incorporate a new company limited by shares (of the designation 'Ltd' or 'Limited' only) through the Registrar of Companies.
    2. The Company’s Website will present the Client a range of choices during the incorporation submission process. It is the responsibility of the Client to understand the choices offered and their adequacy before proceeding with the submission.
    3. The Company uses the standard Articles of Association document provided by Companies House as default for all companies formed on its Website.
    4. The Company does not take responsibility for acceptance by Companies House of the submitted company name if the said name is not legally acceptable.
    5. 1 (One) company incorporation service purchase grants the Client three submission attempts in total.
    6. If the company formation process on the Website leads to errors which are the fault of the software itself, the Company will rectify the issue or/and provide a full refund, upon request.
    7. The Company accepts no liability for consequent loss of business or reputation as a result of errors on the Website and the formation software(s) used by the Company.
    8. Companies incorporated in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland will be in a separate legal jurisdiction regulated by their own respective laws and thus may not be thereafter transferrable to a different jurisdiction.
  9. Fees
    1. Fees are payable annually in advance as indicated on the Website.
    2. The Company reserves the right to vary the fees periodically without notice.
    3. If the Client registers on an incorrect tariff or Service, the Company will invoice for the difference. Services may be suspended until full payment is received.
    4. A new registration fee applies if the Client changes their mail forwarding address to an overseas address from a UK address.
    5. There may be additional fees charged for administrative duties incurred due to changes to the Client’s account such as change of mail forwarding address.
    6. Clients’ payment details may automatically be saved by the Company’s payment processors to facilitate future manual and automatic payments. Sensitive card/payment information is not given to or visible to the Company.
    7. The Company reserves the right to charge Clients’ saved payment method(s) for any outstanding fees owed, whether such fees are owed due to a technical error on the Website, or due to administrative oversight. The Company also reserves the right to retain the Client's saved payment method(s) as deemed necessary and in accordance with our privacy policy and applicable laws.
    8. The Company reserves the right to pursue unpaid fees through court action and/or use of debt collection agencies.
    9. No additional fees are charged for filtering Client’s junk mail, returning to sender unwanted post, or a separate holding fee for mail kept on file for approximately 14 days.
  10. Discounts
    1. The Company may offer customers and Clients discounted rates for Services(s) during registration, adding services (post registration) and at account renewal.
    2. Introductory offers are available only at point-of-sale and may not be applied to subsequent purchases.
    3. Existing Clients may not open new accounts to replace old ones, for the same companies or trading names, to take advantage of introductory rates.
    4. A maximum of one discount code can be applied at the time of purchase.
  11. Account Renewal
    1. All services are renewable on an annual basis at the discretion of the Company.
    2. The Company will notify Clients of the account renewal fee when an account is due to expire or has expired.
    3. Clients who have the auto-renew feature turned on will have their accounts automatically renewed. If paying by direct-debit is active as a payment method in the account our online system will automatically attempt to take payment by this method first and, upon failure of this method, it will attempt any subsequent payment methods the client has listed in their account.
    4. If the Client has any business letter credits left over then credits will carry over to the next year if the account is renewed.
    5. The Company offers no refund for unused business letter credits, account credits, accrued affiliate payments and services purchased if the account is not renewed. Account credits of any kind and of any amount will not be paid to the Client if left unclaimed before account expiry.
    6. Account credits may be used for account renewal, however the minimum account renewal fee, regardless of the amount of credits on the account, must be £10 GBP.
    7. The Company may vary the renewal fee according to the services purchased and the mail forwarding address of the Client.
    8. A compulsory account renewal is mandated if a Client continues to use the Address past the account expiry date.
    9. The Company reserves the right to contact any third-party and request they cease listing the Address if any Client (or non-Client) has failed to tender adequate payment to the Company.
  12. Account Termination
    1. Clients must inform the Company of their intention to terminate the account in writing through opening a new ticket from their online Dashboard or by sending an email to customer support.
    2. The Company may terminate an account at any time with immediate effect and without refund if the Company suspects illegal usage of its Address(es) and Service(s) or if the Client is in material breach of these Terms & Conditions.
    3. On termination of an account the Client must cease all use of the Address(es) purchased including, without limitation, from any electronic mail, all promotional activities utilising the Address, with HMRC, Companies House and any other regulatory authority.
    4. The Company shall exercise the right to close any accounts if enquiries related to the account holder(s), company directors & shareholders and business activities are not answered adequately within 14 days of the request.
    5. The Company reserves the right to cancel its Services if the Company receives complaints from law enforcement agencies or the general public or receives visits to our premises from enforcement officers.
    6. The Company may inform law enforcement agencies if there is cause to suspect the Address(es) is/are being used for any illegal purpose.
    7. The Company reserves the right to cancel Services if we decide it is being abused with regard to the quantity or quality of the mail we need to process on behalf of a Client.
    8. Scanned copies of Client mail may be permanently deleted from our servers following the closure of an account.
    9. Termination shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights of the parties as at the date of termination.
  13. Refunds
    1. The Registered Office Address & Director's Service Address fee will be refunded on request if the address has not been used to register a company or director’s service address and only within 14 calendar days of the initial purchase date.
    2. Business Address Service & unused mail credits fees will only be refunded on request if the address has not been used and only within 14 calendar days of the initial purchase date.
    3. Company formation and all secretarial service fees are usually non-refundable unless the Company was not able to provide these services during the term of the account.
    4. All other services including Accountancy will be refunded on request and only within 14 calendar days of the initial purchase date unless the Company or it’s Contractors have began the work to fulfil the service(s).
    5. Other than as set out in these Terms or as the Company at its sole discretion decides, no refund will be made of any payment after 14 days from the date of purchase.
    6. Refund requests for services delivered by partners of the Company must be addressed to the partner directly.
    7. The Company, in its sole discretion, may close down an Address. If the Company decides to close down an Address, the Company will give 30 days’ notice in advance unless the closure is required on a shorter timescale in which case the Company will provide as much notice as reasonably practicable in the circumstances. Where the Company closes an Address, it will provide an alternative office address or refund in full any remaining unused months of the annual fee, if paid in advance. We shall not have any liability to you for the closure of an Address.
    8. The method of refund is at the Company’s discretion and any bank charges incurred will be deducted from the amount being refunded.
  14. Affiliates
    1. An Affiliate is defined as any Client of the Company who uses any of the Company’s affiliate code(s) generated through an account Dashboard or by any other method, according to the rules of the Company’s affiliate programme.
    2. All customers are automatically enrolled in the Company’s affiliate programme with every new account creation.
    3. Any affiliate codes created by the Affiliate or otherwise, or assigned to the Affiliate remain the property of the Company.
    4. The Company offers a percentage commission and also a percentage discount during the registration process on the total order value when a valid affiliate code is used.
    5. Only one discount and only one commission may be applied per purchase made.
    6. Commissions will be accrued and recorded as account credits in the account to which the affiliate code belongs.
    7. If a referee or the Affiliate shall forget to enter a discount code at the point of purchase, the Company shall not be obliged to apply the discount or commission retrospectively.
    8. If the Affiliate has been awarded other credits on their account, such as a refund or bonus, that is not related to customer referrals, then this will also be displayed on the Affiliate’s dashboard as a total sum of earnings accrued in the account.
    9. Earnings may be used for account renewal, however the minimum account renewal fee, regardless of the amount of credits on the account, must be £10 GBP.
    10. Affiliates may only claim commission(s) if their account is active.
      1. i. Commission earnings will be accrued on the account for the duration of the account term.
      2. ii. Commission(s) earnings may not be claimed from expired accounts, or if any of the Terms of this document are violated.
      3. iii. If an account is deactivated, all commission(s) shall be deemed forfeit.
    11. Clients may only invoice the Company if their current unpaid commission(s) has reached or exceeds the current commission threshold, which will be stated in the account dashboard.
      1. i. An invoice may only be raised for successful referrals, which are referees that have been registered for at least 14 days.
    12. Affiliates may not receive commission at registration if they create that account for themselves.
    13. The Company will only make payments to affiliates into their designated bank account or PayPal account.
      1. i. The Company reserves the right to deduct any related bank charges from a commission payment.
      2. ii. Any returned cheques, chargebacks or fees from a returned order will be adjusted in the Affiliate account before payment will be made.
      3. iii. Accounts refunds for registrations may cause the affiliate's account balance to have a negative value if the commission has already been paid out.
    14. Affiliates are not permitted to create a competitor website to that of the Company.
    15. Affiliates are not permitted to publicise their affiliate code using mass unsolicited promotional methods.
    16. Affiliates may not share the affiliate codes on the following platforms:
      1. - Review sites or reviews
      2. - Discount code sites
      3. - Business listing and directories
    17. The company reserves the right to remove any Affiliate or affiliate code it finds in conflict with the Company’s other promotional campaigns or if it conflicts with the Company’s interests in general.
    18. The Affiliate must cease promoting any affiliate codes, and remove those already on public display, at the request of the Company or if any of the Terms of the Affiliate programme are violated.
    19. Any violation of the affiliate programme rules may result in the affiliate being immediately dismissed from the affiliate programme with all unpaid commission(s) being forfeited.
    20. The Company will not be liable for any indirect damages, loss of revenue, profits or data arising in connection with the affiliate programme.
    21. The Company does not express or imply any warranties or representations in respect of the affiliate programme or an affiliate's potential to earn income from the programme.
    22. The Company makes no representation that either the Website or the affiliate programme itself will be uninterrupted or error-free and will not accept liability for any consequences of interruptions such as postal strikes, website downtime or acts of God.
    23. The Company may make changes to the affiliate programme at any time. The changes may include, but are not limited to, changes in referral fees, fee schedules, payment procedures and programme rules.
  15. Liability & Indemnity
    1. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
    2. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and subject to clause 15.6, the Company will not be liable to the Client for any loss or damage arising out of or resulting from the performance or breach of this Agreement.
    3. The Company shall not be liable to or be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of the Company’s obligations in relation to the Services, if the delay failure or loss was due to any cause beyond the Company’s reasonable control.
    4. The Company will under no circumstances whatever be liable to the Client, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, in equity, at law, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the agreement for any loss of sales, profits, revenue, business, loss or corruption of information, data or software, loss of anticipated saving, loss of business opportunity, loss of goodwill or any indirect or consequential loss even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    5. The Client agrees to indemnify and keep the Company indemnified against all actions, claims, proceedings, costs, damages and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees) arising out of the breach of any of the warranties contained within this Agreement.
    6. Due to the type of service the Company provides, the Company’s maximum aggregate liability in respect of all claims arising out of or in connection with your use of this Website, the Services, this Agreement and these Terms and Conditions shall never exceed an amount equal to the sums paid by you to us in the 12 months prior to any successful claim by you.
    7. You agree to indemnify and hold the Company and its employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party. We will not accept any compensation claim that is the result of consequential loss to your business and by accepting these terms you fully agree to indemnify us from any such claim. You also agree that any such claims will be handled solely and completely between you and the third party. If the third party fails to deliver on a service, we will not be liable, nor applicable to any form of refunds or compensation claims related to the service.
    8. Force Majeure: In connection with the supply of any goods or services ordered by you through the Website, The Company shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of our obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside our reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, power failure, Internet Service Provider failure, strikes, lock outs, industrial action, civil unrest, fire, flood, storms, earthquakes, communication failures, acts of terrorism, acts of war, pandemic, computer system failures, governmental action or accidents and we shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of our obligations to you (to the extent we owe any such obligations) should a Force Majeure event occur or any other event that is beyond our control.
    9. English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute or difference whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the Client’s use of the website or the purchase of any products or services from it.
    10. The Company will notify all Clients of important notices, including but not limited to renewal reminders, invoices, and service updates, via email to the last known email address provided by the Client. The Client agrees that notification by email is a valid form of communication, and it is the Client's responsibility to ensure a valid and current email address is on file. Deemed receipt by the Client occurs 2 hours after transmission.
  16. Intellectual Property Rights
    1. All Intellectual Property Rights in or arising out of or in connection with the Services shall be owned by the Company. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or shall be deemed to transfer any Intellectual Property Rights in the Address or Services or any other rights owned by the Company to the Client. Any goodwill that may arise by virtue of the Client’s use of the Address shall vest in the Company automatically upon creation.
    2. The Client may not use the name Registered Address or International House or the telephone numbers and the domain names which resolve to the Website or the Address provided by the Company for any purposes save as expressly permitted by this Agreement.
    3. The Company reserves the right to refuse to provide Services to any person with a company name or trading name which, at its absolute discretion, it considers to be confusingly similar to any name or trademark used or likely to be used by the Company.
  17. Change of Terms and Conditions
    1. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
    2. You agree to check to see if any changes have been made to the General or the relevant Specific terms each time you visit the Website or purchase products or services from it.
    3. Any notice required to be given under our Agreement with you or in connection with the matters contemplated by it shall, except where otherwise specifically provided, be in writing in the English language.
    4. The Company will notify all Clients of any significant changes to these Terms via email to the last known email address of the Client The Client agrees notification by email is a valid form of notification and deemed receipt by the Client shall be 2 hours after transmission. If upon receipt of the email no action is taken or objection is made within any required timeframes, the Company will consider the Client’s continued use of its Address and Services as acceptance of Terms and Conditions (as amended).