A Little Local Colour

Our Holborn Viaduct branch is located in an historic area of London. We're between Chancery Lane and St. Pauls; between the lawyers and the money-men! Hatton Garden, the jewellery nexus, is a short walk away.
So one could sort out a startup deal, get the money to fund it, eat some stodge at the taxi caff in Farringdon Road, and then buy the missus some bling on the way home. Or just go home, saving the money on the bling, as you'll probably need it to buy staplers.
Currently Goldman Sachs, well-loved American financiers, are digging a very big hole nearby. They took about a year to demolish the very ugly building that stood in it. Now the diggers and the pile-drivers are making the very big hole even bigger. It's steady work and, we hope, well paid.
Will they be finished before the next recession?
Current local speculation suggests not. They will then, at least, have a very big hole to hide their loot in, so that's something.
Amazon, an obscure book distributor, is across the road. Handsome twenty-somethings in skinny jeans pop out for a fag now and again and natter about how Amazon.com is running at a massive loss. Probably. I am powerfully tempted to go across the road to return goods I'm dissatisfied with, just to see what they'd say.
This author found that if one stands in just the right place, at just the right time of year, the sun reflecting off their Massive Glass Windows creates a pleasant burning sensation on one's skin. Massive Glass Windows are very popular in 'The City' right now. Everyone can see how well you look, even if you don't want them to.
The Viaduct itself (see above) is a handsome example of Victorian wrought iron, made at a time when this nation felt confident, flush and didn't care who knew it.
Good times, come again once more!