
5 Ways To Stop Junk Mail

First off, let me say that we at Registered Address filter out junk mail when we can spot it, and we're good at it.

In a more civilised society, one could retaliate against junk mailers by automatically replying, and for free, with something equally boring: "The Complete Speeches Of John Major: A Collection", "Sights And Sounds Of The Isle of Wight" and 'The Bangalore Telephone Directory'.

Alas, in this age of barbarism anyone can post you anything. If they're not harassing you in the legal sense and/or you've signed up for something vaguely related 3 years ago, you will be getting unwanted, unloved and glossy waste-paper through your letterbox, daily.

We at Registered Address Limited want to keep your doormat junk-free. We filter junk mail when we can spot it. Over time, staff members get to know the more cunning culprits; the ones who try to make their letters look legit.

Even so, anything that gets through wastes our time, and your money. So here are 5 tips to help you cut it down:

1. Opt-Out Of Royal Mail's Door-To-Door Service.

This covers unaddressed flyers and leaflets. Anything addressed to a person, even 'The Home Owner' must still be delivered. The block lasts for 2 years, after which you can renew it.

It gets rid of a percentage of flyers and other tat.

2. The Mail Preference Service.

This prevents addressed advertisements from organisations that are members of the Direct Marketing Association, and who you haven't given permission to mail you.

- This means you'll still get junk from companies that aren't members of the association.

- If you're receiving unsolicited mail because you didn't tick an opt-out box when you gave your personal details  on a registration form, it won't stop that either.

But it's a start.

3. Tick the Opt-Out Box.

Some marketers are clever - they think. They obfuscate the opt-out by printing something like "If you don't want to receive further communications, untick this box" in 6-point lettering.

Take your time and read the small print.

4. Avoid Signing Up In The First Place.

Companies sell on contact detail. Your details are valuable. Any 'free gift' that requires you to sign up to get it is a red-flag.

Treat your contact info as precious and don't give it out to just anyone. When you do, make small changes to it which you can use in future to spot who is sending you junk, which you can then bin, unopened.

5. Return To Sender.

Royal Mail will return mail to the originator which has the words RETURN TO SENDER written on it. Just blank out your own address  and then drop it in the nearest post box.

It's a bit time consuming, but long-term, it'll cut down the waste paper, especially if you follow the other tips, above.

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